Inborn Talents and Birthrights of the Changeling
Fae Mien: Each changeling is comprised of two halves, the mortal seeming, which represents the changeling's human facade, and the fae mien, which constitutes their true, hidden faerie self. The self born in the mundane world and raised as a normal human is the mortal seeming, influenced to varying degrees by the dormant seeming that does not emerge until Chrysalis takes place for most of the commoner kith. The Fae Mien grants the faerie an added durability as well as an enhancement to strength.
Glamour: In bright contrast to Banality, Glamour energizes the world around it, shedding light on everything it touches, transforming the most ordinary object into a thing of unimaginable beauty or indescribable terror. If matter (or whatever currently passes for matter) forms the building blocks of the mortal world, then Glamour comprises the basic stuff of fae reality. Glamour powers the Dreaming, gives life to chimerical creations, and invests physical substance with magical energy. Also known as "faerie magic," Glamour gives changelings the ability to create castles out of tenement buildings, weave grand illusions that are "real" to those who touch the Dreaming, and enchant mortals to do their bidding or to see the world as changelings see it.
Twinkling Of An Eye: Clurichaun have a talent for disappearing from potentially troublesome situations. Should someone take his eye of a clurichaun (if only for a moment), the wily fae can disappear into the nearest cover so quickly that it’s impossible for anyone to find him. One minute he’s there, the next he’s gone! They can effect this trick even if being grasped by someone, but not if they themselves are blindfolded (or otherwise unable to see) or if bound within iron.
Luck O'The Irish: A Clurichaun is born lucky, infact it is such a state of luck that it is supernatural. This can be in the way a particular card always comes to them while playing poker, the dice always lands just right or that attacker coming at them steps on just the right curve of a rounded stone to knock them on their asses.
Arts of the Changeling
Wayfare is the Art of efficient travel. Originally developed by scouts and messengers, this Art has also found use in noble circles as a means to spy, because the powers at higher levels allow one to move into seemingly impossible places. For this reason, the overt use of Wayfare at higher levels is carefully watched by some nobles (and outlawed by others). At the lower end, the Art is considered more of a useful tool than a dangerous weapon. In general, commoners, noble retainers and eshu are the most likely to possess Wayfare.
Pyretics: Half a million years ago, mortals discovered the lure and beauty of fire. The fae have been playing with its beautiful might for considerably longer. They can control the powers of the will-o'-the-wisp and create servants of living fire. This Art uses Glamour to weave and shape flame into pleasing shapes and effects or devistating attacks.
Legerdemain: Legerdemain is the Art of sleight-of-hand and illusion. Originally based on illusions and "stage magic," Legerdemain transcends such parlor tricks, allowing a changeling to affect physical reality. Changelings who are the entertainers in Kithain society (jesters, clowns, pooka, etc.) generally specialize in this Art. While this is also considered a commoner Art, a user of Legerdemain is not as suspect as with Chicanery; however, an Unseelie pooka armed with this Art bears watching. While many of the effects of Legerdemain duplicate Chicanery, use of this Art differs in that it creates a substantial illusion that's visible to all changelings and enchanted beings rather than altering a single individual's perception. There are those who claim that some uses of this Art actually create temporary chimera.
Primal: Much of the power of changelings arises from the elemental affinity between their faerie souls and the forces of nature. In ancient times, the spirits of rocks and trees whispered their secrets to the fae who lived in the forests and groves. The ability to hear the forests' whispers was lost by most changelings during the Shattering, remembered only by the Inanimae. One of the first things the Inanimae taught the changelings after the Shattering was how to whisper back. The Inanimae are mostly asleep now, and the Art they taught -- Primal -- is rumored to be only a fraction of the wisdom the nature spirits could have imparted. As a sign of gratitude to these beings, the cantrips of Primal are named after the spirits who helped the fae relearn these connections. Kithain often stereotype other changelings who specialize in Primal cantrips as "salt of the earth" types: simple, stolid and honest. This oversimplification often makes them the butt of pooka jokemeisters ("Hey, troll! Did you hear the one about the Willow-Whispering farmer's daughter who....") Primal cantrips have no effect on anything made of pure iron, though they can affect alloys, such as steel.
Enhanced Senses: Changelings senses are more advanced then mortals, not ass much as a were or vampire but more than a human or a paranormal human.
Regeneration: Changelings heal at a much faster rate than mortals, their healing far beyond the mortal limit while in their Fae Mien. While in a freehold, their wounds heal at twice the speed. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this ability.
Faerie Eternity: Touched by a vestige of the immortality that used to be the birthright of the fae, as long as the fae seeming is active the changeling will age at 1/100 of a normal human. Should their fae seeming be permanently destroyed, or should they retreat into Banality they will begin to age normally.
Quicksilver Mind: The changelings mind is like flowing quicksilver, always shifting and liquid in nature. This grants them a large defense against those attempting to control them via mind altering or controlling abilities.
Cold Iron: Cold iron is the ultimate sign of Banality to changelings. Perhaps it was the rise of the iron age that precipitated the Sundering, and thus cold iron is the Sundering's banal manifestation. Its presence makes changelings ill at ease, and cold iron weapons cause horrible, smoking wounds that rob changelings of Glamour and threaten their very existence. It's so distasteful to changelings that they can sense cold iron in their immediate presence. Like many things in Changeling, cold iron is a bit of a paradox. Steel actually contains more of the element iron than does cold iron. In fact, most of the things we associate with iron nowadays are actually steel or cast iron (cold iron which has been melted and poured into a mold). Cold iron is what we know as wrought iron. The best way to think about cold iron is not as a thing, but as a process, a very low-tech process. It must be produced from iron ore over a charcoal fire. The resulting lump of black-gray material can then be forged (hammered) into useful shapes. Cold iron weapons are heavier, softer, more brittle than steel weapons, and lose their edge more quickly. Any cold iron weapon larger than an dagger is very unwieldy. Most time they break when being used and parried. Cold iron weapons therefore tend to be small -- axe heads, daggers, arrow heads, darts, bolts, caltrops, shuriken. Making cold iron weapons is illegal in most kingdoms, and even owning one is considered a crime in most. (Many a noble still has one secreted away, just in case.) Mortal blacksmiths are much prized for their abilities to work cold iron, and finding the ore isn't too difficult since large iron ore deposits are common in Alabama, Utah, Texas, California, Pennsylvania, and New York. It's rumored that some mortal mages can produce cold iron weapons that have the properties of steel. It's also believed that weapons quenched in changeling blood are extremely hard for changelings to sense.
Changelings Blood: The blood of a Fae is rather coveted in the Vampire world. It gives a sense of a high. Much like a drug it is quite addictive and the older the Fae, the stronger the effect.
Temper, Temper: The Clurichaun is really foul tempered when drunk, smiling one second, flying at yer throat the next. This is why most of them reserve drinking whisky for when it is coming more near to throwing fists than a party.
Changeling's Eyes: The changeling's eyes are a startling color, maybe emerald green, violet or yellow. This is a sign that the person is a changeling, recognizable to those who know the ancient lore.