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Mortal Statistics


Name: Rian McKenna

Sex: Male

Apparent Age: Early 30's

Hair: Red

Eyes: Unnatural Green

Height / Weight: 5'1 / 185 lbs.

Nationalities: Irish American

Occupation: Owner of McKenna Pub, Prize Fighter, Government Agent, MMA Trainer, Private Security for Hire.

Nature: Soldier

Demeanor: Bon Vivant


Changeling Statistics


Faerie Name: Ríoghnán ap Fiona

Kith: Clurichaun

Court: Seelie

House: House Fiona

Seeming: Wilder

Occupation: Knight of the Red Branch

Hair: Firey Red.

Eyes: Unnatural Emerald Green.

Age: Old Enough

Seelie Legacy: Prankster

Unseelie Legacy: Monster

Affiliations: The Red Branch Knights, House Fiona


What the Leprechaun lacks in height he makes up for in sheer, muscle mass! Standing at a towering five foot one in his mortal seeming, and only five foot in his true guise he might not tower above others or be the tallest one in the room. But that is made up for in sheer bulk, broad shoulders, strong arms thickly corded with muscle, and hands that look like they are made of stone and very well suited for crushing bones with heavy blows. 
The Leprechauns gaze, can be unsettling  predatory.  Luminescent green, ringed about the pupils with a shock of brilliant gold, his eyes are piercing in spite of the hooded languor bestowed by heavy lids and brooding brow.  He seems trapped somewhere between bestial atavism and efficient modernism: primal, peregrine, powerful, purposeful. 
Rian generally sports a scruffy beard.  Red hair that was normally left to be an unruly mop of red strainds has been cut down into a short, military style cut.  Which it provides barely a handhold in a fight. 
While a suit flatters his frame, he favors practical, rugged clothing and gear, whether for combat or for casual use.  What he owns is maintained with punctilious, nearly ritual care, as with his health and hygiene. 


The Dreaming


Hair of firy red frame the face of the Leprechaun male before you, The male's frame being on the slightly shorter at five foot even, while his build is more blocky. Strength showing here and there in the shape of dense muscles. While eyes of startling emerald green, looking more like the gemstone than an actual eye look out upon the world in a slight squint. Features more angular in nature now, showing the faerie heritage as sharply tapered tips of his ears can be seen poking through the wild, untameable redhair.

Distinguishing Features: 

 1. Height: Being 5'1, that is quite a distinguishing feature.
 2. Eyes: The Leprechaun's eyes are a striking, unnatural, luminescent emerald green color giving way to his true nature and heritage.
 3. Build: Rian is built,..plain and simple. The lifestyle he has led has shown a great deal on the work he has done, as well as his training. 
 4. Accent: Rian has an Irish Brogue, when he is in a calm, happy mood it is just a taint to his words but as he gets madder the brogue will deepen till words are cut off or sometimes all together forgotten and he drops into that thick, Irish accent. 

Characteristic Gestures: 

 1.  Sometimes Stares when someone says something stupid.
 2.  Shoulder rolling, standing straight 
 3.  Gritting teeth, or bareing teeth when growing angered. 


 1.  Rian uses humor to cover almost everything, if he isnt cracking a joke he is flying off the handle into a fight. And half the time he is cracking jokes while fighting.
 2.  Rian has quite the appetite in many senses of the word.  If others are uninterested in their fare, he’ll offer to take it off of their hands. 

Speaking Style:  Situational.

 Forthright and courteous at times, forceful and curt in others. 
 Increasingly eloquent and metaphorical in the company of friends and/or alcohol. 


FUCKING HAYWIRE, Rian has two modes,...happy go lucky Leprechaun and friend to all,..and then I WILL BITE YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF AND BEAT YOU WITH YOUR OWN GODDAMN RIPPED OFF LIMBS!!!! 

Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress, throw things, etc): 

 It depends upon the situation.  He can be extremely patient with people, harnessing frustration and repressing irritation.  He might even laugh along with the individual in question. 
When truly angry, however, he’s a force to be reckoned with.  Out go the games of courtesy, playful pique and sensuality, replaced by a terrifying, rage.  In between clipped, cutting remarks, the threat of violence brims from every action. 

Admirable Traits: 

 1. Loyal – to a fault. Those who prove themselves have earned a protector. 
 2. Energetic, passionate (in goals and in love) 
 3. Willful, determined 

Negative Traits: 

 1.  Can be jealous, resentful, vengeful, unforgiving. 
 2.  Stubborn,..Stubborn as all hell.
 3.  A temper,..for being one who tries to help others he can easily fly into a rage. 

Pet Peeves and Gripes: 

 1.  Idiots, Rian has no time nor patience for someone who is an idiot, Stupidity can be fixed, an idiot can not.
 2.  Elitest Pricks, Rian isnt fond of those who go around acting like they are others betters.
 3.  Affront taken for courtesy – those who become angry with him for holding the door or offering a seat are insulting and confusing. 


 1.  Every good soldier, every fighter worth his salt, has some fear of death.  It keeps the respect for life healthy, the instincts sharp, the mind focused.  Death by valor is a way to get everyone around you killed. 
 2.  Failure in his duties – to himself and others. 
 3.  Being left alone, it is a stupid, irrational fear but one he has.

Mental Disturbances: 

 1.  Sadism. Enjoys causing an enemy a great deal of pain to extract information.  This treatment is reserved for those who truly deserve it. 
Milder by degrees, blending with affection, he will tease his closer acquaintances and friends. 
This extends to consensual sexual encounters, if it is the partner’s desire. 

Favorite Physical Attributes in Opposite Sex: 

 1.  A good build, not one of these scrawny women. A woman that can stand up with him, one who is healthy and has a figure.
 2.  Eyes, got to have beautiful eyes.
 3.  Other contrasts–most have far smoother skin, and though they may be quite muscular are generally considerably softer.  Long hair is an indulgence few can afford in times of physical combat.  Even tousled and work-sweaty it can be quite attractive. 

Physical Attributes About Character that Turn on Opposite Sex: 

 1.  Build - His sheer, physical power is enough to attract the opposite sex, a powerfully developed upper body and strong legs (No he didnt forget leg day bro!) show that he does put time into keeping himself in peak physical condition. No he is not the pot bellied, leprechaun of the lucky charms cerieal.
 2. Physical strength – he has the capacity to put his lover where he wants them, even women who consider themselves too large for him to lift, much less pin up against a wall or some other vertical surface. 
 3.  The symmetry of his face can also be quite attractive, a chivalrous and gentlemanly mien barely restraining what lurks beneath the surface. 

Sexual Turn-Ons: 

 1.  A game of chase – anticipation.  It’s always more fun when there’s a hunt. 
 2.  Outspoken desire and confidence, particularly in an intelligent partner. 
 3.  Biting, being bitten, marking and otherwise being marked by a partner. 

Sexual Turn-Offs: 

 1.  Poor health – if the opportunity is there to take care of oneself, why not?  Laziness in life leaves no energy for libido. 
 2.  Desperation, clinginess, possessiveness  (especially prematurely) 
 3.  Undeserved submission.  He can understand a lack of experience, but surrendering too readily is both suspicious and disappointing. 

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